Tartan Trojans: Richard, Loch Ness, and pub crawl!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Richard, Loch Ness, and pub crawl!

(By Chris)
Richard was kind enough to come up from London and visit me the other day! We romped about on Arthur's Seat, had an excellent pubby time at the Halfway House, and enjoyed the most crystal-clear day I've seen yet.
We conveniently bumped into a few of the other interns, who kindly took pictures of us leaping about over Edinburgh. Many thanks to Bonnie, Sara, and Heather!
Then, since it was (another intern) Jackie's birthday, we had to go out for a pub crawl! There are 20 places on the 'official Edinburgh Pub Crawl,' and we sought out to do another one for Jackie's 21st, but ended up making it to number 15 before the city basically shut down. All in all, it was a great success.

This is closer to the end. You can tell because there are purses, boas, and legs abounding.

The next morning (poor planning, I know) we headed off to Loch Ness on a bus tour. The landscape was incredible, and there was Snow and it smelled like Pine and Heather and Awesome. Here's Lauren and I with a Bridge! (in Fort Augustine, right on the loch)

Supposedly there's a 1 million GBP reward for photographic evidence of Nessie! So... we had to try.
I'm doing work, too, I promise. :D


  1. Laughing out loud! It's embarrassing, because I'm at my desk at work. :) Seriously, thanks for sharing all this good stuff with us. I've got your "jump" picture as my desktop background now so I can keep smiling all day.

  2. Isn't Nessie the white thing in the background behind you? Note the curved neck...
