Tartan Trojans: Sickness, and the battle with it

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sickness, and the battle with it

Soooo I got a wee bit sick. It all started when I left my window way open (which is right above my bed). This always makes my throat feel constricted and inflamed for a while in the morning, but this time it didn't go away. I think the best description of it is basically a "throat infection."

Today, then, was the day for combat. I woke up a smidge hungover alongside the typical spacey-ness that accompanies sickness and set out to load up on drug-store goodies. Unfortunately, this required a trip across town to the Barclays ATM, which is a mixed blessing: any OTHER ATM charges me a $5.00 transaction fee, so every shred of my rational being says I MUST make the trek to it. To do otherwise would make me a lazy weenie.

Once I got the money, though, I was able to get 2 litres of OJ, multivitamins (enough to last 'till I leave, honestly), and some mouthwash with numbing goodness intended for just my situation.

Since then, the day has been a blur of naps, 1.5 L of OJ, tea, Muppet Show, and Monty Python. Turns out the magic bullet for the throat has been a pack of fantabulous cough drops from the corner store, so I'm finally able to swallow and yawn without too much trouble. I'm just so so so glad that I get to deal with this on a weekend with nothing planned, once I've finished the work for the next however-long.

Tomorrow, though, I hopefully get to go to church with Lauren and then go have a little Valentines picnic at the Meadows. Hope the health situation facilitates that a bit! Now it's bedtime. :D

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better soon. Have a happy Valentine's day. Love, Dad
