Tartan Trojans: Glasgow

Sunday, January 24, 2010


(By Rachel)

I have an inane habit of forgetting my camera, especially when going to places that beg to have pictures taken of. So I deeply apologise that there aren't any photos from today's trip to Glasgow.

The first port of call was the house of family friends where I had a yummy lunch of lasagna and cherry pie (with leftovers to take home :D), and then we went to visit the Burrell Collection, which is this insanely amazing collection of art housed in a building in Pollok Country Park, which is worth visiting by itself because of all the open green space that's there. It's got pretty much everything ranging from Rodin sculptures to suits of armour to Islamic prayer mats, and it all belonged to one Sir William Burrell, who somehow made enough money through industry and owning ships to buy over 9000 pieces and then give it to the city of Glasgow as a gift in 1944.

It turned out the Necropolis wasn't far away, so we stopped by before I took the train back to Edinburgh. This was where I really regretted not having the camera, because not only are the gravestones awesome, everything is situated on a massive hill where you get a pretty good view of Glasgow itself (similar to standing outside Arlington House and looking over at DC). The largest one we saw was the monument to John Knox, near the top of the hill.

This is where I totally cop out and use a web image, but I'm doing it because I haven't seen that many monuments on that scale that aren't dedicated to military figures:

The base alone was taller than me. Impressive, no?

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