Tartan Trojans: T-Minus Two Days!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

T-Minus Two Days!

Well, it's about two days before I ship off to Edinburgh! The packing is 90% done, and I'm wedging in those last pairs of socks and visits with friends. I'm getting more and more excited as departure time approaches, so I hope that that enthusiasm will buoy my spirits through the tightened security procedures and full day of travel!

This blog should be kept up during my trip (until I come home in early May) and will be filled with various adventures from scotch-tasting to castles to the Holyrood complex (presuming they allow cameras). Hopefully, my two fellow USC parliamentary interns will contribute as well, and we can document our experience as Trojans abroad. As there are certain restrictions on blogging and politics in the UK we likely won't be able to elaborate too much on the day-to-day events in Holyrood, but something tells me we'll find plenty of fancy Scottish things to write about and photograph.

Happy New Year, and FIGHT ON!

P.S. Wallace tartan, that of my 1/16th Scottish heritage, is also conveniently cardinal and gold, and thus is shall be the background to the header. :D

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